Hi. I’m Rich Sica, a Music Strategist, Ex-TikTok staffer, and former advertising specialist with a compulsive, innate passion for entertainment. 

The truth is, every layer of music enchants me. Discovering and shaping emerging artists, partnering with brands to create exciting cultural moments, and marketing to consumers authentically through original, never-before-tried methods.

As a child, I was always surrounded by music; whether it was my grandmother cooking and cleaning to the sounds of Salsa, or my mom, uncle and cousins playing the guitar and teaching me the basics of chord progressions. My love for music was ingrained in the fabric of my upbringing, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

My goal with this consultancy is two-fold: 1) Provide guidance and direction to brands and artists navigating the complex layers of the music industry. 2) Represent diverse audiences and cultures holistically through authentic, musical storytelling.

Ice-Breaking Facts include: I’m a Spanish-Speaker with family roots in Puerto Rico, but being a Bronx native also qualifies me as a ‘Nuyorican’ Yankee fanatic and self-proclaimed empanada aficionado.

Favorite Spotify Playlists include: